Re: [ Creed Discuss ]NCR: Harry Potter

From: "Megan" <>
To: "The New Improved Less Lame List" <>
Date: Sun
19 Jan 2003 17:10:25 -0800 (PST)

How are you going to be rude to me in your first post, and then act decent in the next?  I find that self-contradictory.  Ah well.  Thanks for the input.  Also, I do not think I am better than any of you, regardless of what you all may think.  End.


hey, i've read all the harry potter books too...not a dang thing wrong
it, guess is miss kitty spends so much time trying to be
than the rest of us, that she disdains a lot of the fun things in

 Lee Reed <> wrote:

well, kitty, since you're a king fan...i have read the stand probably 15
times, the unedited version more than the originally published, to
me, is such a compelling story...when a story pulls you in that much, you
want to read it again and least that's how it feels to me...and
the harry potter series, while written for kids, is not 'dumbed down' so
that adults can't appreciate it too...

>From: Megan
>Reply-To: The New Improved Less Lame List
>To: The New Improved Less Lame List
>Subject: Re: [ Creed Discuss ] The Word Is Out
>Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 14:52:16 -0800 (PST)
>New question: how can some people read books over? I've tried that before,
>and at first it was okay, but after like 10 pages, I remembered every last
>detail that happened in the book, so it was boring. What is the point of
>reading a book more than once? (not being sarcastic, I'm honestly curious
>as to why some people enjoy that, but I can't).

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